Bringing Home Your First Kitten
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Besides being adorable, there are many other benefits to owning a kitten as a pet. Cats are generally very neat and tidy pets. They take pride in cleanliness and can be quite independent when they grow up, meaning they need less of your dedicated time than dogs for example. Kittens are so cute and playful and are highly entertaining to be around, but you can’t go into cat ownership lightly. Your kitten could go on to live into his or her late teens or longer.
Taking care of a kitten
When you do get your kitten, you have to be prepared. There are a few basic things that kittens need in order to get the very best start in life and grow up into healthy, happy and friendly cats.
First things first, a kitten will require a litter tray or two. Most kittens will have been shown how to use a litter tray by their mum and siblings and for many, it is instinctive anyway, but some need a little more encouragement to go in the right place. You can help your kitten learn where to go to the toilet by placing him in the tray after eating or after he has woken up from a nap, and keep an eye on him for signs that he is looking for somewhere to go. Have several trays around when your kitten is young so that he is always in easy reach of one. Diet and nutrition is also a very important aspect in taking care of a kitten. Your kitten needs to develop and they can only do so if they get the right food and nutrition. Here at Hills Pet, we provide precisely balanced foods to ensure your kitten’s health and well being.
Your kitten also needs to visit a vet on a regular basis for check-ups and vaccinations, then for neutering at about 6 months of age. Make sure that when your kitten is sick, you recognise the signs early and get him the right medical attention as soon as possible.